Course Notes

For the winter 2025 term we are piloting new course notes. Older course material may appear similar but many details are different this term. If in doubt, ask us.

Slides Description
L00 Welcome Overview of the course, tools, assignments and grading.
L01 Values and expressions Prefix notation, exact numbers, Boolean expressions, constants
L02 Functions Function definitions, inexact numbers, substitution rules, comments
L03 Conditional expressions Expressions with cond and else, symbols, testing, contracts
L04 Recursion Recursion on a natural number, names, scope
L05 Lists List values and expressions, composite data, data definitions
L06 Recursion on lists Recursion on a list, consuming lists, predicates over lists
L07 Producing lists Filtering lists, transforming list, ordered lists
L08 Big-O notation Mathematical background, list abbreviations, measuring efficiency
L09 Efficiency Linear, quadratic, and exponential functions
L10 Finalizing the rules Indexing, recursion on two lists, accumulators